Pictures from the San Diego Airport. Easy to use and very pleasant. I had to get out of the Hotel and wait there. Our Cab driver was from Ethiopia and we had a nice visit with him. He asked me if we have seasons in Iowa. My response, "Yes, four of them." He studied to be an Electrical Engineer. I told him to apply at Rockwell Collins. He agreed that the Ark of the Covenant is in Ethiopia. I found him much more enjoyable than the sourpuss we had from the zoo to Old Town yesterday

Click on the Panda Picture on the right to be taken to the Zoo and the Panda Cam. You will have to watch a preview of a movie unless you click skip but then you can watch the Panda eat bamboo. The Site also gives you a lot of information about these interesting animals.
My flight from San Diego to Phoenix was great. The one (longer) from Phoenix to Des Moines was like being in a sardine can. Guy next to me was large (as am I) and slopped over the arm rests so I sat at an angle all the way home. There was someone in front of me who wanted to push his seat back but because of my long thighs my knees were right up against the back of his seat so he could not do it. My knees are still sore from his shifting around.
A woman from Huxley had her baby on her lap and he was fun. Probably about Evan Smithson's age when I last saw him about a year ago and just as delightful His name was Hugh and he kept poking his finger out to me so I poked mine out to him and he grabbed it. Something very, very special about having a little one grab hold of your finger. Pretty soon, however his mother decided he needed to sleep so she stretched him out on her lap and after about five minutes of fussing he was out. Not a very comfortable bed for him. Legs are bony.
I tried to concentrate on reading but there was a woman in front of me about two rows who would not shut up. I imagine it was nerves on her part but it was annoying. Almost as annoying as the TV screens which came down and played commercials when we first started off. Next they put up trivia questions.
You know I do not understand why we can't just have quiet. I stopped going to a car place to get my oil change because the TV was on constantly and of course, it was on Fox News (if you can call it that) so now I go elsewhere. I always have a book with me and I like to read and I can't when the talking head is on. I don't even have the TV on usually at home. When I got here at 1:00 AM (It sounds worse than it was cause I was still on San Diego Time and so it was only 11:00 PM. - But the Bailey Alarm still got me up at 6:30 and I am pooped) Jon was sleeping on the couch in the living room with the TV blasting away. He preferred sleeping out here so he could watch TV. He is like his mother in that respect as she did the same thing. Me, I put on WOI FM and fall asleep listening to music and it shuts off automatically.
I did have the TV on this morning (Had to catch up on General Hospital) but only about half paid attention to it. Now it is on C-Span but only because I read on a Blog that Dennis Kucinich had filed impeachment articles on GWBushie. Of course they won't go anywhere because he didn't get a blow job. Just raped the greatest nation on earth.
I guess I am glad to be back. I enjoyed hearing from people and Bob sent me a beautiful picture of a Thunderhead that I will post tomorrow. I can't believe it is almost Wednesday already.
Catch a great big Hug. Isle of View. jcs
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