The Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: solitaire, pathological, grackles, alternative life style, manifest destiny, polarization, ugly duckling, folding chairs, flibberty-gibbet, hand grenade
And for the Mini Challenge: marathon, the butler did it, curtain, hand cream, flatulence
“Mr. Phrog you are a pathological liar,” complained Sallyie Salamander. I do not believe that you told me there was money to be made with the flooding situation. I may be a Republican but I cannot use this event to make money from people’s misfortune.
“Oh, go practice your alternative life style,” said the Phrog. “It is my manifest destiny to

Sallye was suddenly reminded of the necessity to lob a hand grenade or two among the folding chairs in order to keep the flibberty-gibbet Susye from opening the curtain with hand cream all over her hands, thus contributing to the polarization of the Society of Salamanders - exposing them as phony Republicans.
In the aftermath of the explosion she discovered that the source of the flatulence of which she has suddenly become aware was the man behind said curtain.
“Oh look,” she said – “the butler did it.”
“You madam, are an ugly duckling.” stated the gentleman, “I refuse to work for you and further. I shall take the offer which Louise Ledbetter made and go and work for her. She is, after all a Democrat.”
Next Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: fabulous, aristocrat, tricycle, soft summer breeze, cat litter, silver-tongued devil, curtain rod, lilacs, Abraham Lincoln, garbage can
And for the Mini Challenge: strangle-hold, revelation, dormancy, tripod, space cadet
LOL I love the way the butler got the blame! :)
Just remember Jay, most of us Democrats are too poor to afford Butlers. We'd settle for decent jobs, health insurance and better government.
These sisters are getting wild!! Hand Grenades?
I love this saga!
This is the second one with a political reference in it. Must have something to do with the word flatulence being in it. They just seem to go together don't they?
Once again, a fun read.
I do love the sisters and Mr. Phrog!
Oh this story is getting really good! These sister's make me smile. :-)
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