This Adam Sandler movie was mostly entertaining. There were times towards the end when I was ready for it to be over but, for the most part, I loved it. Even the Hummus jokes. I will say this that I was often the only person laughing out loud in the theater. Most people were just sitting there like lumps.
I have never been a big Adam Sandler fan but he did a great job of entertaining me this afternoon. And I liked his hair style (of course I would like any hair style - not having any myself. You can read about it here. (Warning spoilers)
Some people had a little kid in the theater and she got to fussing and crying. Instead of taking her out her mother just moved her to someplace else.
1. It wasn't a movie for little kids
2. If the child was going to fuss she should have been removed from the theater.
3. Some parents need courses in parenting and in respecting of other's rights.
Right now I am watching the Tony Awards. My favorite show of the year. ARTYAL, Hugs, j
Lat Night on the Movie Critics show One of the critics liked it and the other hated it. I am, obviously, more in agreement with the one who liked it but then, my humor is somewhat sophomoric.
I enjoy Adam's work mostly but he's gotten a bit too silly for me lately.
hated the 'gay couple' movie. it was so distasteful
actually my favorite Sandler movie is Reign Over Me - he did a wonderful job.
I also enjoy his interviews, a regular guy who is loyal to his friends and loves his dogs and family.
I agree about kids in the theater. If you can't get a babysitter then don't go to an adult movie.
Adam Sandler is classic in his own way, though he tends to do his best work when he stays casual, not trying too hard to be funny or deep, etc.
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