Ten Word Challenge will be: spaghetti, larkspur, Prilosec, roaring lion, adamant, green green grass of home, paradox, filibuster, face cream, trout fishing
And for the Mini Challenge: jury of ones peers, barking dog, a wing and a prayer, liver, sprained ankle
The salamander sisters made it to San Diego on a wing and a prayer. Saydie had a sprained ankle when she got there but put some spaghetti sauce and a mixture of liver and face cream puréed together and smeared it on the ankle. The sisters thought that they were a paradox (I know I just couldn't resist.)
There was a roaring lion in the background as they looked at a beautiful larkspur growing alongside the road. Sallyie began to hum the Green Green Grass of Home as she walked along towards the stream where they planned to go trout fishing. A barking dog announced the arrival of the phrog as they walked toward the well-stocked stream (It was a commercial trout fishery) and the sisters asked him where he had been.
“I have been to the nations capital,” he stated, ”participating in a most important filibuster (philibuster_ on the evils of Prilosec used in face cream. I was most adamant about how it should not be used in that way.”
“Well, ” said Sallyie, “ I am most disheartened that you did that and you shall have to go before ajury of ones peers to be judged.”
“I am peerless,” said the phrog, “it is not that I have no equals – I just have no friends.”
"Why phrog," said the girls, "You have us!"
They get better every week. I just love this one... and your use of paradox was delightful!
"Peerless" - excellent!
The Salamander Sisters - I love it! Excellent Jay.
Prilosec in face cream...made me laugh.
Very good.
The Salamander sisters continue to entertain and amaze me.
I love the holistic concoction for the sprained ankle.
Even while traveling your noodle is on salamander overdrive! And the Sisters made it to San Diego - I never had a doubt!!
the phrog photo is a wonderful extra.
How funny...Face Cream and Prilosec to heal an ankle! :-) I will have to come back and read more about the Salamander Sisters. Nice story!
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