I will enjoy Grand Lodge this year. As I will get to vote as I am on a committee of the Grand Lodge and it is always better if you can vote. Also someone I like and respect is going to be installed as Senior Grand Deacon. (He told me to say that! But, I mean it.)
I love the flowers in Des Moines. When you drive down Fluer Drive to go to the Airport the median is planted with beautiful flowers. You will find spots of flowers all over the city. My friend Matt McCoy is mostly responsible for them. That is part of his day job.
Speaking of Matt. Readers of this blog will know that he was exonerated after a trial last summer. Things are coming out right now about the Department of Justice ( go listen to the story) and how they used partisan politics to keep liberal democrats out of the Department. (More here.) I find that reprehensible. And I firmly believe that the charges against Matt were politically motivated. I spent a day at part of his trial and I saw the person who was accusing him and it was very obvious to me that he was not telling the truth. The FBI agent did not seem to me as if he really was on the up and up. I think it is very sad what our country has come to with partisan politics entering into a Department which is supposed to be impartial. The Supreme Court is also supposed to be impartial but they have proven otherwise. I think it is very sad what has happened to our country under the present administration.
I was able to take some pictures of Des Moines from Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. on the south side of downtown. I hope you enjoy them. Unfortunately I was not able to stop and get out of the car to take pictures of the flowers and the city. I think there are some very beautiful spots in Des Moines.
After I made the arrangements I went to Chef's Kitchen for dinner (Chef's Salad - It was excellent) and then down to the Scottish Rite for the reading of the 12th degree. You can read about it on the Consistory Blog and see some pictures by clicking here.
My friend Kevin just sent me an interesting news story about a way to "honor" George W. Bush when he leaves office. Click here to read it.
Today was very busy and I enjoyed myself. It was a great time at the Consistory and the Degree was very interesting. I don't think I have ever seen it before. They may add it to their repertoire. It is worth it.
The Bible came for the new Lodge and the Jewish Tanakh is also here. Kurt has prepared a slide show for those who are interested. It may be found here. You will have to scroll down to look at it. The more we do and the closer we get to July 7 the more excited I get.
I hope that things are going well in your worlds. ARTYAL. Big Hugs, jcs
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