Ten Word Challenge: fabulous, aristocrat, tricycle, soft summer breeze, cat litter, silver-tongued devil, curtain rod, lilacs, Abraham Lincoln, garbage can
And for the Mini Challenge: strangle-hold, revelation, dormancy, tripod, space cadet
Finding themselves without a butler the Salamander Sisters, Sallyie and Saydie decided that they would have to do some of their work themselves. Sallyie said, “Saydie, you empty the cat litter and I will dump these dead lilacs and then you can take out the garbage can. Oh and by the way, throw that picture of Abraham Lincoln in the trash also. Now that we are Democrats we won’t need it any more."
“Oh no,” said Saydie, “ Le'ts give it to Lavinia Ledbetter, the fabulous hostess, She is an aristocrat and should have a picture of our Log Cabin president in her home. And don’t worry that she will know about it. She is a real space cadet and any historical reference would be a revelation to her. Now I am going out to ride my tricycle (wisely saved from my childhood)."
A soft summer breeze stirred the curtain hanging from the silver curtain rod. Mr. Phrog came to the house and told the ladies that he now had a strangle-hold on the tripod dealership and if they wanted one they would have to go out on a date with him. Both sisters looked at him and suggested that he go freeze his head as he was obviously undergoing a period of dormancy and while he was normally a silver-tongued devil he had obviously lost it if he thought either one of them would go out with him. “After all,” they said. “You have Green Lips and are obviously diseased.”
And Next week's words are: handy, operation, gratitude, parallel bars, the color purple, manic depressive, Puget Sound, fragmentary, perpetual motion, secretive
And for the Mini Challenge: sympathetic, filet of sole, mysterious stranger, elephantine, music
They just get better and better every week! No need to worry about Abraham Lincoln over at my place, by the way. He will be rescued. His humans would never leave him in the hands of felons.
"the salamander sisters"....that made me laugh....
Nicely done.
LOL green lips definitely suggest some sort of disease!
Great job. :)
they were closet Dems all along! I was sure of it, they just wanted to get invited to a few stuffy parties.
I love them so!
Cornering the tripod market! Great play on words and great story.
But will Mr. Phrog's green lips, when kissed, morph into those of a prince?
I joined in on the wordzzle this week.
Yours is a most clever job!
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