What a day! Busy, Busy, Busy! - Multi-tasking. I had to get the material ready for the Lodge meeting tomorrow night so that Doug will be able to take notes, etc for me. We have our Stated Meeting and I don't usually miss meetings. It is easier to be there than it is to have someone else do it for me. Funny it was that way with teaching also. Getting ready for a Substitute Teacher was much more work than teaching yourself. And no matter what they never took the kids as far as you wanted them to - But to be fair I might not have gotten them that far either.
It was always nice to get a really good sub. Then I would ask for her every time.
I had to go to the Post Office to mail a huge box of books to Charles Martin in Iraq. Except he is back in the states for medical treatment right now. He e-mailed me that his colleagues would hold them for him. Heavy box. Hope it gets there all right. While I was there I picked up the bills for the Lodge and then I had to process them so that the Treasurer can pay them. And I had to get the money ready for him to get at the Lodge meeting. Then I had to print off what needed to be printed off and organize and put everything together for the Worshipful Master to pick up since he was coming over.
I also had to go to the Credit Union to pick up some cash and deposit a check into St. Bartholomew's Account. And fill up the car with gas. And come home and get a demit ready to send and , and and. And I still had not packed one thing in my suitcase.
I went up to Aunt Jo's thinking I might get to see Amy but she has skipped town and gone to Minnesota to see her brother. I will see her when she gets back. At least at her Dolezal Grandparent's 60th Wedding Anniversary later this month. Cousin Rick and Pam were there so I got to see them. I had my Bluetooth phone in my ear and it seemed to fascinate Rick. I really love the little thing. It fits over my ear and enables me to drive with both hands and talk on the phone so I wear it when I drive. If someone calls me it tells me who it is and I just punch the button and begin talking. The other day I talked to someone (no not Someone he and I never talk) all the way from Des Moines to Ames. Monday was Rick's Birthday so he and his wife were there for a visit and to show Jo the chef's outfit that Pam got Rick. I recommended Djenga to them as a superior place to go.
I went out to Battle's for supper. Steven Schroeder was there and he came over and sat down and we had a nice visit. He is one of the nicest guys in Lodge. Hell they are all nice. I am so very pleased with my Lodge Brothers. It is too bad that we don't have any candidates right now but it kind of goes like that. It seems to be either feast or famine.
Then I came home and packed. I could not find the right suspenders for my Tux so my pants may fall off when I am in San Diego. I love wearing my tux with the white coat. Almost everything is packed. I just have to put the "boot" in that I have to wear around the house. It will be the last thing that goes in. I am carrying the computer in the Briefcase that I got in Texas last year.
I have to get up about 4;30 or 5:00 in order to get to Des Moines and park my car in the lot and get over to the airport and go through the damn radar machine. They have to "wand me" because of the rod in my ankle and I can't take my shoe off. There is no traction if the shoe is off. PITA Royal PITA. Oh well. I guess it is one of the things we put up with to feel secure. But I never really feel secure in an airplane. Darn you Orville and Wilbur!

I am so glad the Primaries are over and I am so tired of all the post mortem going on. Now perhaps they will find something else to talk about. ARTYAL, No Matter What! Hugs, j-bear
Have a great trip! All will be well.
have a fun time and a safe trip.
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