Robert G. Davis has written a fascinating, intriguing book.
Readers of this Blog will know that Brother Davis is one of my heroes. I have heard him describe the Lodge as "The place where we come to learn how to be men."
He says that:
"the bottom line is that we live in a time when men and, more importantly, fathers, are distracted, overworked, harassed, exhausted, disinterested, chemically dependent, divorced, or simply not around. Is it any wonder that men no longer have a firm grasp on what it means to be a man? Is it any wonder that men no longer have a firm grasp on what it means to be a man? Moreover, in the absence of adult male role modeling in the family structure, is it any wonder that children are unclear about the purpose and meaning of manhood in America?He talks about the role of the Lodge and how it was a "band of brothers with whom each member could identify." a "safe haven where men could feel nurtured and could freely nurture in paternal ways."
He says that the "center piece of the lodge experience itself was the journey offered through its ritual form. The initiations were almost transformative ceremonies where the initiate goes on a journey in search of something lost."
"...freemasonry", according to Davis, "offered men an institutional solutions for grounding their manhood, giving solace to themselves, nurturing their sons, and escaping to an inner world where men and women were, in fact, nonexistent. It was a world where men learned how to be heroes."
He goes on to tell the tale of how manhood has changed in America and how the Lodge has had its part in that change.
So I am reading this book and loving it. I won't be loaning it out because I have a feeling that I will be re-reading it in the future. I have found many heroes in Masonry. I grew up without a father (although I did have a father figure - several of them) so the Lodge for me has indeed been a place for me to make the necessary connections for my life. Connections I value more than any other. And you know, I was not even aware of some of the reasons until I started reading this book.
Brother Davis is scheduled to give two speeches here in Iowa in the coming months. He will address our Grand Lodge Session and will also return to the state for Iowa Research Lodge the first Friday in October. He is the Grand Orator for the United Grand Imperial Council of the Red Cross of Constantine and I will get to hear him next June also. He will think I am stalking him. (I am)
News of Jon
Jon took my car yesterday to drive to Purdue University in Indiana. He just got back and Max was delighted to see him as was Cassie. I think he had a good time. He even brought the car back filled up with gas. He said it cost him $70 to fill it up. I was not expecting that. I guess he had about 1 gallon left in the tank. I never let it get that low.
He called earlier while he was on the road and in Illinois. He sounded like he had a great visit. Even ate some new food which he thinks he has the recipe figured out for and is going to try it. I think he enjoyed meeting the other grad students. He still has concerns about going but the trip lessened his anxiety about going. In the end he will make the right decision for him and I will support whatever he decides to do.
I am about 99% sure that I will not be going to Grand Chapter and Grand Council this summer. I don't see any reason to go there this year and the memories of the last Grand Sessions and events which occurred around that time which are still not resolved in my mind bring back memories which make me uncomfortable going. I may go over to have dinner with a couple of friends if they want me to and then again I may go to Minnesota. Jo wants me to come up and I have not been for years.
I got a notice that I will get my economic stimulus check in the mail soon. It is already spent on estimated taxes. GWB giveth and he taketh away (and more besides) I may have to go back to work to pay taxes.
I am already sick of this election. Last night I got a perfectly disgusting e-mail from some folks who thought they were being funny. It was anti- Obama. Then today I got one from a Brother telling me how wonderful John McSame is. I looked it up on Urban Legends and found that it was unconfirmed and had been written by Karl Rove of all people. I would not believe a thing that that person put out if he told me the sky was blue. It is going to be a long time until November. Of course, I know who I am going to vote for and I am proud to say that Mr. Obama will have my vote.
I hate the racism which is being put out by Republicans and others. There is just no place for it nor excuse for it. I also don't like the ageism but there is more reason to not put an old man with a temper into a position where he could push a button and end the world than there is to vote for him.
Enough - ARTYAL, Hugs, jcs
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