I will say this about San Diego, the weather seems to be about the most perfect anywhere. It is just about perfect and I have enjoyed not having to heat or air condition. I have had the window to my little patio open most all the time.
The Red Coss (as I have said previously on my blog) is one of my favorite organizations. I still feel it is more of an honor to belong to the Red Coss than it was to be Grand High Priest. I know I shouldn't say that but I really feel that way.
I love the friendships I have made each time I come to this meeting. We have three fellows from Italy who have been here every year since the first one I went to which was in Peoria, I have only missed one since then. The Intendant General from Minnesota is a great guy and I enjoyed meeting his wife this year. I ate dinner one night with a couple from Sacremento and a Past Grand Master from California who it turned out was the Grand Orator of the UGIC and Chairman of Jurisprudence. He is a lawyer and his oration was outstanding. He has promised me that I can publish it on the blog so that is something I look forward to.
Last Year's Grand Sovereign, Reece Harrison, Jr., from Texas is also someone I enjoy talking to and we have had a couple of good conversations. Funny, he is also a lawyer. Wonder what it is about lawyers that makes me enjoy visiting with them? He was the one who told me that Hillary had made such a wonderful speech throwing her support behind Barak Obama. I went to the room and found it on the Internets and he was correct. She is a classy lady. Of course I told him about the new lodge we are forming and he mentioned a book he enjoyed so I checked it out on Amazon and now I have three more books coming (As if I needed them)
The folks at our table last night who were new to me were from Louisiana and have travelled all over the world. I enjoyed talking to them a lot.
I met our friends from Puerto Rico that we first met last year. He had his wife with him this year also and I think that is neat. They come the first time alone and then gradually they bring their ladies with them. I really think they add a lot to our group. The Red Cross is essentially a Social Organization. We have a nice ritual and Installation (You are Installed into the Order not initiated) ceremony but the main purpose of the Order is for sociability and the friendships we make.
It has been a relaxing and enjoyable time here and I have another day to enjoy San Diego so I am up and out of here. Have a great Sunday and I will take lots of pictures (as usual) at the zoo. ARTYRL, Hugs,
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