This afternoon I met Matt at Starbucks in the old Masonic Temple Building for Coffee. We had a great visit. I wanted to take a couple of pictures out the window down there. I had been there before and wanted to take the bottom picture - Then as I was sitting there I looked at the library and saw the bricks reflected in the glass surface of the Library and took the other picture. I like both of them. I told Matt that I was really very happy with my camera.

Then I went to the Officer's meeting at the Scottish Rite. I am not an officer but I get to go to take notes to write articles for the Consistory Blog.

After that the Knights of St. Andrew met to formalize their organization. I guess I should say "our" organization as I am joining. I wasn't going to but I am a sucker for new lapel pins. :~)

I brag about my camera and then I take this picture. But to be fair it was not the camera's fault. I was a little shaky. I ponied up the money and Kurt and I both turned in our petitions. I got home just before the rains started. There was another tornado in Iowa. This time 4 Boy Scouts were killed. They were at a camp. May have been the same camp I attended when I was a Scout. I think it is so sad. My nephew says the reason we are having this weather is because George Bush did nothing about Global Warming. I'll buy that.
I really enjoyed myself today. It was good to sit and visit with Matt and also Kurt, Kevin and I went out to
Chef's Kitchen (where else?) for supper. I had a small Mediterranean Pizza. There was good conversation there too. We ran into Jim Ford who was eating there also. He said he had flooding in his home.
Jon was over this afternoon. He found out that there is a program at
ISU that will enable him to get his Master's in 15 months and be certified to teach Science. They told him that there was a shortage of Science teachers in Iowa and he could probably get a job in Central Iowa. I told him to go for it. I think that is what he wants and he will do a good job.
It is raining and we are having thunder right now. Bailey does not like it . He barks at every clap of thunder or rain noise. Oh well, perhaps it will be gone in time for me to sleep.
ARTYRL. Hugs, j-bear
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