Worshipful Master Jeremy Davis started something called Arcadia After Hours. I have never gone to one before but tonight I went. I had a great time. Craig McFarland, Josh Tostlebe (Jr. Past Master) and Kent Naughton and I met at Olde Maine for some quality Masonic time.
None of us had ever been to one of these events before and this was the first time I had ever been to the Olde Maine Brewery. There were a lot of other people there but I really didn't know any of them.
We had a wide-ranging discussion about a lot of things but mostly about Masonry. I took some notes.
" You can either come with me or I can sit here until you f&*^kin die."
That was someone talking to a group of old Masons who did not want to move the organization forward.
"He will never be commissioner of baseball?"
"It doesn't matter what the Ritual says, it matters how it is delivered."
You ought to do what you can do - that is all you can do."
We also met Terri (After Josh left) and isn't she gorgeous?
I am sure there were more profound thoughts that I missed and there is one note I can't read (I think is says "Is this ice out?") but you get the general idea. I am a blogger and I want to report the events of the day.
Josh accused me of not being aggressive (I think) enough and so I made sure the waitress heard me when I ordered my third single-malt scotch (Is there anything better in the world than the nectar of the Gods?)
When I got home (thank you Jesus) I made it to the recliner and fell asleep (passed out) and missed the Season Finale of Boston Legal (Damn) - and Jon came by for two hours and worked on things, He answered his e-mail, worked on things (My Microsoft word shuts down when he uses his) and brought Max back from his walk and watched the TV that was running. He even says Bailey whined at me (as he is doing now) and left. I called him when I woke up.
What a great time!
I have not done that for years.
I am now going to watch Dave and Craig and reflect on the wonderful time I had tonight with my Brothers. ARTYAL - Big Hugs - j-bear.
P.S. I ordered my Masonic License plate and tickets to Newton Lodge's Table Lodge and Oklahoma Indian Degree Team event and I also got my book in the mail by Bob Davis. "Understanding Manhood In America. Freemasonry's Enduring Path to the Mature Masculine." As I have said before Bob is my favorite Masonic speaker/author going right now and I recommend him. See his link in the left side bar.
i am always intrigued about people's philosophies about masculine development.
Looks like you had a good time.
The SP's Agapes will rock!
Bob Davis will be a featured speaker at Grand Lodge this year. Don't miss it.
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