Friday, May 30, 2008


Click on the Wordzzle Challenge button to review the rules.

Next Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: perpendicular, carpentry, garage, lute player, radishes, tin roof, wild flowers, stop light, gargantuan

And for the Mini Challenge: gravy boat, cat carrier, Madison, Wisconsin, March Hare, gratitude

In gratitude to the phrog for not winning the Wordzzle Challenge the salamander sisters decided to take him on a trip in a cat carrier to Madison, Wisconsin. They loaded him up into the March Hare’s Model T Ford and took off In a perpendicular direction from the garage eating radishes and listening to a lute player play their favorite song, “Momma don’t allow no wild flowers around here.” Sadie, who studied carpentry in her spare time, took her antique gravy boat with her on the trip in case they needed to serve gravy. She sang loudly along with the lute player. Sallie Salimander shushed her sister and told her to be quiet at the stop light as she wanted to hear the rain falling on the tin roof of the auto. It was a gargantuan rain storm and they were sure they would get caught in a flood.

But as they were salamanders they really didn’t mind. And neither should you.

Here are the words for next week: (I will be in San Diego next week - We will see if the Salamanders follow me there.)

Next Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: spaghetti, larkspur, Prilosec, roaring lion, adamant, green green grass of home, paradox, filibuster, face cream, trout fishing

And for the Mini Challenge: jury of ones peers, barking dog, a wing and a prayer, liver, sprained ankle


Raven said...

I love it as always... Those salamanders lead an interesting life. I surely hope they travel with you - along with phrog, of course...

Odat said...

I'd sure like to know the rest of the words to that song! :-) Great story.

Richard said...

You're going to San Fran, I'm going to St Louie; are we allowed out of our home states without permission?

My Best to the Salamander sisters and phrog.


Akelamalu said...

The salamander's sisters have joined in the fun - fantastic!

Dianne said...

I can see it now!

'The Salamander Sisters See San Diego'

It will be legend!

Jay said...

LOL .. Yeah, the Salamanders aren't too worried about a flood coming. It'll just be another great adventure for them!

Betty said...

I can't wait for the next episode in the Salamander Saga!

maryt/theteach said...

Jay, now how smart of you to find my blog without any complaint! Thanks for finding me and subscribing to my blog. But I have GOT to remember which address is which... :D Your wordzzles are great! "Momma don't 'low no no wildflowers 'round here." Funny, Jay! :D

Jeff B said...

Ya never know when you may be called upon to serve some gravy. Best to be prepared just in case!