I was a Lethagarian (from The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster, a Lethargarian is a creature who is quite busy daydreaming, napping and dawdling... often falling asleep in the midst of sentences.) today. The only productive thing I did was go to the grocery store where I spent money and then to the cemetery to take this picture.
On the way home I saw this magnificent red bud. They don't last long but they are beautiful while they last.
I have been thinking about a lot of things. The joy just isn't there right now. I know why and it is probably not going to heal, ever. When you have been hurt to the point I was hurt you can do two things get over it or not. It seems that right now with me it is not. So I will enjoy what I can and carry the hurt around with me and hopefully it will diminish in the future. (It is probably the root cause of my Lethaganarism) In the meantime I have given up on doing a lot of things so I need to find other things to do. Any ideas? ( Things that don't cost money - thank you George Bush) - ARTYAL, Hugs (even if you don't want them.) j
if you are in the doldrums I suggest you start thinking. just don't jump to conclusions !
Funny, That is what Milo had to do to get out of them. You must have read the book. j
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