Friday, May 9, 2008


WOW! 30,000 hits on my blog. Thank you for reading, ARTYAL, Great big enormous HUGS!

Here is my Wordzzle for this week. Click on the button to go to the rules.

Ten Word Challenge will be: florist, grave yard, sausage, magnificent, soap opera, linguist, columns, volume, French, canvas

Mini Challenge: suspension bridge, veracity, lunch, multi-faceted, house of ill repute

The salamanders crawled cautiously across the suspension bridge on their way home from the house of ill repute. The French lady and taken them to lunch there (for Italian sausage and pickles) and while they were there told them a multi-faceted tale about a magnificent soap opera star and a florist. The two had met in a grave yard where the florist had gone to decorate the columns on a loquacious linguist’s grave being mourned by the soap opera star. While there they played hip-hop music (if you can call it that) with the volume turned way up and painted self-portraits on an old canvas which they had stolen from the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, FL. The salamanders decided they did not like the Sister who had fed them improperly and would live with the French lady from now on. They were the fickle salamanders of Farnsworth. They also doubted the veracity of the French lady's tale.


Raven said...

300,000 hits! Awesome!

Superlative wordzzle as always too. Those salamanders get around and generally have a much more interesting life than I do.

Your tree (above) is BEAUTIFUL! said...

Nope only 30,000 but that is still awesome. Thanks for the comment. j

Akelamalu said...

30,000 hits - you're popular!

Loved your wordzzle especialy the Salamanders of Farnsworth! LOL

Richard said...

Great story today Jay; I especially like the loquacious linguist and fickle salamanders.

Rolls off the tongue quite nicely.


maryt/theteach said...

Loved your story today Jay! :D