Friday, May 23, 2008


To review the rules click on the button on the below.

Ten Word Challenge will be: flamingo, monster trucks, Darth Vader, cucumbers, sugar-free, banking, determinate, thurible, sarcasm, drums
And for the Mini Challenge: procrastinate, memory lane, alley cat, argument, Florida

Just as the salamanders tuned up their vocal chords and were ready to sing, an alley cat came sneaking around the corner of the house with a Darth Vader look in his eyes. He was out to keep them from getting the Key to the Universe from the phrog. The phrog was ready for him. He took the thurible which he had swinging from a long chain and swung it around his head with incense smoke swirling from its watermelon sized holes which he had stuffed with cucumbers. When it hit the cat’s head it sounded like a thousand drums and knocked the cat all the way to Florida.

The monster trucks, which were filled with determinate tomatoes, came around the corner just at this time. The driver yelled out, “Don’t procrastinate, sing it now! - Get the key!” They started beating the flamingo who was also attempting to capture the key. You will get no argument from us said the salamanders. They took a trip down memory lane and sang the song. The phrog looked at them with a look of disdain and with a voice dripping with sarcasm declared that they had only sung the sugar-free version of the song and were thus not eligible for the free banking for life that came with the key. Dejected they decided to give up and go back to playing chess on the paprika stained chess board.

Go to Raven's Nest to read other participant contributions.


Raven said...

Well, I liked it! Those salamanders sure live an interesting life. Notice you kept paprika from last week. Are you going to keep saving words from previous episodes? You and Akelamalu are adding illustrations to the mix. Very cool. I'll have to see if I have enough ambition to do that next week.

Raven said...

Oh - forgot to say the Mr. Linky is up and ready for you.

Akelamalu said...

I want to be a salamander - they have all the fun! :)

Richard said...

My favorite line in this "knocked the cat all the way to Florida." It reminds me of Mark Twain.


Dianne said...

It just keeps getting better and better. Love the chessboard - it is a classic! The adventures of the salamanders make me laugh - and that's half the battle.

maryt/theteach said...

Great Jay, excellent job! Is that a salamander in the first picture? :D

Anonymous said...

Jay, sorry I gave you the wrong blog to find my wordzzle post it's at my maryt blog...

Jay said...

So much fun, as always! Love that you even got the flamingo in on the action there. I can imagine how bad the salamanders' singing must have been!