David, our Junior Warden, served as Worshipful Master tonight as Jeremy is in London and Paul had a conflict. He did a great job. In a couple of years he is going to be a great Worshipful Master. While we were at the meeting his wife (my new cleaning lady) cleaned the house. Max was barking at her when we got home. She has learned how to deal with him and she does great work on cleaning the house. She is going to do the back porch next week
He conducted a great meeting and it only took about an hour start to finish. It is now 10:00 and I have written the minutes and sent them out to people. I do a preliminary set of minutes on the computer and if the Master follows the script that I give him it is pretty easy to take notes and then write up the minutes.
Tomorrow I am going to work in the Scottish Rite office all day. The regular person who works there is on vacation so I get to help out. Then on Saturday I am taking Trevor over to Cedar Rapids for a one-day class so that he can join the Scottish Rite. I will miss the York Rite College but probably would not have gone there anyway as Someone will be there. If I weren't going to Cedar Rapids I would have gone to the Grand Master's DeMolay Class. That is always a great event. With all this going on Blogging may be very light the next couple of days. I have to have Trevor over there by 7:00 AM on Saturday morning. That means leaving here around 4:45. Ouch.
There is a new Masonic Organization on the horizon. The Masonic Society. You can read about it here.
I enjoy the fellows at Arcadia. No one seems to have an axe to grind. The meetings are not onerous and everyone seems to get along. No one makes me feel like I am not wanted. I am very grateful for my lodge. At least I feel like they like me there. And to be fair I feel that from some people from my other lodge. It is just to difficult to attend when things are as they are now.
Closing off with a video that I got in the mail tonight. It came in an e-mail "Nuff Said" I think it says a lot about things as they are today. Thank you, Jesus
ARTYAL, j-bear
1 comment:
I think you put it very succinctly as to how a Brother should feel about their Lodge.
"No one seems to have an axe to grind. The meetings are not onerous and everyone seems to get along. No one makes me feel like I am not wanted. I am very grateful for my lodge. At least I feel like they like me there."
That's what we mean by 'on the level'. Now, just getting all Lodges and Masonic functions to operate like that...
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