Sunday, May 25, 2008

Charles Martin Update/Why Nancy?

Word came today from Charles Martin -
IT isn't over yet. The trial was scheduled for 24 May. I don't know about a verdict. I intend to appeal if necessary. I did not attend a tyled meeting, and I witnessed no masonic labor or degree work.

I am submitting an affidavit, when the GL of KY decides to conduct a proper investigation.

So we will keep hoping that they will do the right thing and drop this matter.

Then there is this:

"Impeachment is off the table," said Pelosi, D-Calif. "Democrats are not about getting even. Democrats are about helping people get ahead."
She used the word "bipartisan" at least eight times in her few minutes before the media, and said that she had promised the president that she would cooperate with him as much as possible.
-- Two days after the 2006 midterms, by Bill Moyers, National Examiner, November 09, 2006

I am sorry, I do not understand why "Impeachment is off the table" - would you like to 'splain" it to me?

1 comment:

Dianne said...

The Democratic party leadership continues to behave as though they have something to be apologetic for. As though they need to make nice to that blunder of a human to unite the country.

Why not unite the country behind battling evil? Why not unite the country behind punishing lies and corruption - that cost so many lives!?

I need some 'splaining too Jay!

And that picture - tells thousands of stories.