Contributed by Hey Nonny Mouse
I belong to a mainline appendant Masonic organization—one of the best-known and most respected appendant bodies of American Freemasonry. I am proud to be an active member of this organization. Like most Masonic organizations, this one prides itself on providing additional education in Masonic philosophy, on giving its members a deeper understanding of the human condition, and conveying suggestions on living a productive and upright life.
The organization claims publicly to favor the following:
• Pride of patriotism, love of flag and country, respect for law and order, loyalty to the principles of sovereignty of the people, citizen control, and civil and religious liberty, as set forth in our Constitution;
• The American public schools for all children of all the people and, for the alien adult, inculcation of American principles;
• The use of English as the principal language of instruction in the grammar grades of our public schools;
• The complete separation of church and state, and opposition to any direct or indirect diversions of public funds to church-related schools or institutions.
• This organization neither makes nor permits to be made in its publications any criticism of any religious faith or church. True freedom demands that each individual have the God-given right to practice without interference whatsoever religion his conscience may dictate. The organization recognizes, however, its right and duty to affirm its belief in the American Constitutional Bill of Rights and to safeguard by all legitimate means the fundamental freedoms guaranteed to the people of the United States by the Constitution.
We live in politically turbulent times. This country is perhaps more polarized on political issues than at any other time in the past half-century. Here we have a Masonic organization claiming to prize individual responsibility, personal integrity, and dedication to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I daresay these beliefs are part of most Masonic organizations.
And yet, and yet...
Where is ANY of Freemasonry today?
• Why, when our legal system, our freedoms, and our Constitution are threatened by the executive branch of government; when the President of the United States, upon signing a law, states he intends not to obey it (a "signing statement"); when sovereignty of the people is undermined almost daily by the federal government; and civil liberties are usurped by courts and executives—why does Freemasonry not protest?
• When civics courses in the public schools are expected by law to be politically correct, and when there is virtually no systematic program to inculcate American values in alien adults, why doesn't Freemasonry insist on rigorous civics courses in the schools and adult education in civics for legal immigrants?
• The assertion notes that English should be the PRINCIPAL language of instruction in the public schools. Why doesn't Freemasonry rise up and DEMAND that instruction in English as a SECOND language be instituted in every grammar school in the country where there are students who don't speak English as their native language, and INSIST that this education be funded completely? The federal Department of Education has almost completely zeroed out such funds.
• The Bill of Rights—and Freemasonry—prize the separation of church and state. Yet Freemasons did not protest, so far as I know, when President Bush proposed to fund programs—with LOTS of money—at all kinds of religious institutions. He called it his "Faith-Based Initiative."
• Where is Freemasonry—and where are its members—when the Constitution is being threatened, the Bill of Rights undermined, and freedom of religion—particularly if one is a Muslim—is being squelched? Why aren't we using "all legitimate means" to safeguard fundamental freedoms for EVERYONE?
Am I the only Mason who thinks my freedoms are being threatened? Am I the only one to protest when Constitutional provisions are being ignored?
Or are pretty words enough?
1 comment:
"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither." -Falsely attributed to Benjamin Franklin, true author unknown.
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