Friday, May 16, 2008


As always to review the rules click on the Wordzzle button.
To see other contributions go to Raven's Nest.

Ten Word Challenge will be: sergeant, lunatic, peanut butter and jelly, cyber space, flattery, musician, auspicious, cardinal, paprika, flowering plum tree

And for the Mini Challenge: sinister, magazine, American flag, rain storm, chess board

The salamanders had been playing chess when they discovered that they had gotten paprika all over the chess board. A rainstorm was fast approaching and the cardinal was whistling in the flowering plum tree outside. They were content but there was something sinister in the air and they turned to the magazine with the American flag on the cover. They knew that, within its pages they would find the answer as to what was bothering them. Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. Sally Salamander put down the peanut butter and jelly sandwich in her hand and wondered who could be at the door. She went and answered the door and found a phrog musician standing in the rain with a lunatic expression on his face.

"Hello," he said, “I am from the cyber space police and I am here to inform you that if you can sing Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band on this auspicious occasion I will give you the key to the universe. "

And," he added, "that won't be flattery because you will have earned it."


Richard said...

Jay, are you sure it's safe to give the Salamander's the key to the universe?

As always, loved your story.


Raven said...

You added the phrog! Cool. This was a delight! Will we find out next week if they have actually won the keys to the universe?

Akelamalu said...

That's three of us now have used Sergeant in the same context - obviously all Beatle fans!

The Salamanders made a mess again I see! :)

Dianne said...

and finally we get a salamander photo! It's so nice to put a face to the story.

I love your stories Jay. Each week I look forward to finding out what those salamanders are up to.

Jay said...

The key to universe would be quite handy to have. I'm sure the Salamanders would use it for good rather than evil. Right? Well, either way, I enjoyed the story quite a bit!